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Sunday 26 June 2011

A Rather Genius Plan Of Genocide

Warning this is not for the faint of heart or strongly opinionated people!!
But read it all the same...
It's in regard to 3rd world countries and the help they need

We all see the adverts on TV
We all say deep down in our sordid stomachs of injustice "GET OF MY TV SCREEN!!"
For anyone that cares about them I apologise
But Its the fault of their own governments generations before them that got them into this mess by squandering all the resources and aid given freely.

So yesterday afternoon me and colleague (who has asked to be referred to as Colonel Lee) returned to work and he says to me
"Slim I've got a plan for the 3rd world countries!"
"awwh yeah what's this then??"
"Well i was watching TV and one of those ridiculous adverts for starving Africans came on, the ones about how 24,000 children die a minute from starvation, disease and shit like that"

Now that's not much of a life to lead is it, I know for a fact I wouldn't want to be bought into that mess, all it takes is contraception, which they cant get.....

Colonel Lee goes on to say
"Now my plan is to make them infertile, twist their tubes, snip their balls or whatever, Because if you think about it do it to a few of them and with their shite life expectancy alot of them will be dead soon enough anyway. Then say 40-50 years down the line they'll all be dead hey presto problem solved, now I think this is a cracking idea but my girlfriend has said its genocide, because I'd be wiping out an entire population."

Now that is true but its a cracking plan to say the least.

"But i reckon after they're all gone, all the money this nation has plowed into the various charities we can have it all back then pump it into our own economy therefore ending our recession!!"

Yet again a massive plus for us so far its a success apart from the whole genocide accusations.

"If its a hit, I'll take to the council estates of the country where there's all these teen getting knocked up with 6 kids and being a drain on our society and say know your not allowed. Eventually everyone will think I'm a genius and worship statues of me have me on a poster.

Me "Is that when you rule with an iron fist?"

Lee "Pretty much bro pretty much!"

Me "Well I've always prefered communism and dictatorship anyway."

I hope you enjoyed that
Feel free to tarnish this page with a nasty word if you must.

See you all soon

Simon x

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